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Library «Paolo VI»

General informationtorna su

The Library is open to researchers, professors and students of the Faculty, and upon request, to professors and students from other Universities.

Location and opening hours

The Library is located on the Faculty's premises at Via Cremolino 141, Rome.
During the academic year the library is open all day Monday to Friday, from 8:30 am to 6:45 pm.
On Saturdays it is open from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.
It is closed on public holidays and throughout August.

Historytorna su

The Library «Paolo VI» at the Pontifical Faculty of Educational Sciences «Auxilium» was established in Turin in 1954, for the courses held at the International Higher Institute of Pedagogy and Religious Studies. This Institute was soon joined by the International School of Social Work.

In 1970, when the Institution became the Pontifical Faculty of Educational Sciences, books and periodicals were gradually added in the areas corresponding to the institute's specialist fields of Pedagogy, Catechetics, Psychology, Sociology, Religious studies and Salesian spirituality. These resources are available both in Italian and other languages.

In particular, the Library has become specialised in Italian and foreign publications on the topic of women, within the framework of educational sciences.

Currently, the Library has an area where the card and electronic catalogues can be consulted, and offers access to the Internet. In addition, there are three reading rooms with about eighty seats available.

In 1992, the Library joined the URBE (Roman Union of Ecclesiastical Libraries) Association, established in 1991 to digitise the catalogue and to promote collaboration between Pontifical Institutions.

Patrimonytorna su

The Library has over 120 thousand volumes (in addition is about 12,000 volumes found in the library of the Qualification Course in Spirituality of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians) and more than 600 titles of Italian and foreign journals, covering various areas of the sciences of education.
This collection is always being updated and ever expanding based on the suggestions by the Professors and by the Board of Library.

Cataloguestorna su

The Library has a paper catalog - alphabetical and topographical - which is periodically updated. The online catalog includes the monographic heritage and the journals owned.

OPAC OseeGenius Catalog (Auxilium)

Since May 2023 "PARSIFAL" has been active, the portal of the Libraries of Roman Pontifical Universities and Institutions which allows you to find the resources present in the various local catalogues.

PARSIFAL Catalog (URBE Network)

Loanstorna su

Professors and Students of the Faculty can borrow materials for 15 days (with the possibility of renewal) on request, by filling out a special form.

Periodicals are available for reference, but not for loan.
These may be found on the shelves. Bound periodicals and the latest issue of each publication are available for reference in two rooms dedicated to this purpose. Volumes in storage may be requested by filling in a special form.

Servicestorna su

The following is available to the public:

  • 2 reading rooms inside the library;
  • 1 file room;
  • 2 reading rooms in the periodicals section for a total of 71 seats, 7 of which are equipped with computers linked to the Internet and scanner and 28 are with electrical sockets and internet access for those who have their personal laptops.
The Library offers the following services for public use:

  • information and research orientation;
  • Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC);
  • Card catalogue: by author/title (updated regularly) and by subject (last updated in February 2010);
  • Consultation in the reading rooms;
  • Book loans to Professors, Students and Doctorate students enrolled at the Faculty;
  • Self-service fotocopier and scanner;
  • Display of newly acquired books;
  • Free Wi-Fi, access to the internet and LAN;
  • Use of personal laptops.

Stafftorna su

The Library staff includes:

  • the Head Librarian;
  • a librarian responsible for periodicals;
  • two lending and cataloguin librarians.

Contacttorna su

Maria Antonietta VALENTINO
tel. +39. 06.615720.236

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via Cremolino, 141 - 00166 Rome (Italy) - C.F./P.IVA 06753231007 - +39 06.6156422 (Segreteria Facoltà)
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